Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services
Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services BIOTROFIX - Premier Preclinical CRO - Stroke, Alzheimer's, ALS, TBI Research - Seth P. Finklestein, M.D., CEO Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Animal Models & CRO Services - CRO Preclinical Research
Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services Alzheimer's Disease - AD - Animal Models & CRO Services
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Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Animal Models & CRO Services

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Animal Models & CRO Services - Chronic neurodegenerative disorder affecting more than 4 million Americans. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder affecting more than 4 million Americans. AD targets the "thinking" (cognitive) part of the brain and results in severe memory loss, generalized dementia, and ultimately death.

In the brain, AD causes loss and structural alteration of nerve cells ("neurofibrillary tangles") and deposition of spots of a proteinaceous material ("amyloid plaques"). Although the cause of most cases of AD is unknown (sporadic AD), some cases run in families. Aberrant genes in these families have been identified. These genes have then been inserted into transgenic mice, that show many of the neuropathological and clinical features of human AD.

In particular, Biotrofix has access to two strains of AD mice, Tg2576+ mice and presenilin knockout (KO) mice. Tg2576+ mice develop amyloid plaques and memory loss by 9-10 months of age; presenilin KO mice develop widespread neuronal loss and memory loss by 4 months of age. These transgenic mouse models are used to test putative new AD therapies, and generally as models of neurodegeneration and neurodegenerative treatments. Endpoints are behavioral (memory loss) and histological.


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wedgeBiotrofix, Inc.604 Webster Street, Needham, MA 02494Tel: 781-786-8890Fax: 781-465-6061

Biotrofix is a premier preclinical contract research organization specializing in animal models of CNS, cardiac and vascular disease. With years of experience, both academic, commercial, clients throughout the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, Biotrofix delivers industry-leading preclinical CRO services, including rodent models of acute stroke and stroke recovery, preclinical CRO services for Alzheimer's Disease, transgenic animal models for ALS, as well as CRO services for brain injury, preclinical CRO services for spinal cord injury and related cardiac drug discovery and development.