Biotrofix News - Press Releases
Acorda Therapeutics Announces Publication of Preclinical Stroke Recovery
Studies Done by Biotrofix
These studies led to a successful Phase II clinical trial in chronic stroke
ARDSLEY, N.Y., May 9, 2013
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACOR) today announced that data showing
treatment with dalfampridine improved motor function in a preclinical model of
post-stroke deficits have been published online ahead of print on May 7 in
Stroke, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Heart Association. The data
will be included in the July 2013 print edition of Stroke. Dalfampridine is the
active ingredient in AMPYRA (dalfampridine) Extended Release Tablets, 10 mg.
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Full Article in Stroke
Acorda Therapeutics Announces Clinical Phase II Data Showing that Dalfampridine
Improves Walking Speed in Patients with Chronic Stroke
This clinical trial is based on Biotrofix's preclinical data.
ARDSLEY, N.Y., April 15, 2013
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACOR) today announced that a proof-of-concept
trial found dalfampridine extended release (ER) tablets, marketed as AMPYRA®
(dalfampridine) Extended Release Tablets, 10 mg, improved walking in people
with post-stroke deficits. Post-stroke deficits refer to chronic neurological
deficits, such as impaired walking, motor and sensory function and manual
dexterity that persist in people who have had a stroke.
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Acorda Therapeutics Presents Preclinical Data Showing Dalfampridine Improves
Motor Function in Chronic Stroke
First ever data to demonstrate improvement in motor function following stroke
with oral drug treatment initiated several weeks after event.
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. ACOR presented data showing that treatment with
dalfampridine improved motor function in a preclinical model of stroke, with
treatment initiated at least four weeks following the ischemic event. These
data were presented on February 2 at the American Heart Association/American
Stroke Association International Stroke Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Dalfampridine, also known as 4-aminopyridine, is the active chemical ingredient
in AMPYRA(R) (dalfampridine) Extended Release Tablets, 10 mg.
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Strategic Alliance Between Research Firms Will Combine Expertise in CNS and
Vascular Disease Models with Translational, Multi-Modal Imaging
Biotrofix and Ekam Imaging announce a nonclinical CRO partnership, which will
provide capabilities unique in the field of neuroscience
February, 2011 - Boston, MA — Aiming to minimize risk from preclinical
development, Biotrofix and Ekam Imaging announced this month they have entered
into a partnering agreement together to provide synergistic capabilities to the
pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The goal of the partnership is to
deliver high-quality, accurate and translatable data that greatly assists their
sponsors by allowing them to make faster and better-informed decisions.
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Preclinical Studies Show GGF2 Promotes Functional Recovery from Stroke with
Treatment Initiated Up to Seven Days After Event
Biotrofix authors are co-investigators on this study.
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc, (NASDAQ: ACOR) today announced that data from
preclinical studies show that Glial Growth Factor 2 (GGF2) promoted functional
recovery following a permanent focal ischemic stroke. In a series of studies,
GGF2 was administered starting up to seven days after the event to explore the
neurorestorative properties of this novel growth factor. These studies were
recently published online in Neuropharmacology, and the paper is scheduled to
appear in a future print edition of the journal. An accompanying editorial
discussed the need for new approaches in stroke intervention, and the potential
role that GGF2 may play in improving function after stroke, pending further
preclinical and clinical studies.
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Amorfix Life Sciences and Biotrofix Announce Detection of Aggregated
Beta-Amyloid in CSF Using the A4 Alzheimer's Test
TORONTO, ON, October 21, 2010
Amorfix Life Sciences Ltd. (TSX:AMF) and Biotrofix, Inc. today announced that
they have successfully detected the presence of the aggregated Beta-Amyloid
(Abeta) peptide in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from transgenic mice using
the Amorfix A4 test. The results come from a collaborative study using the
transgenic (Tg2576) mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Following
collection and analysis of CSF, plasma and brains from 3 month old transgenic
and normal mice, they successfully detected the presence of the aggregated
Abeta peptide in the CSF from the transgenic mice which correlated with the
signal detected in the brains and plasma.
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